Thursday, 9 September 2010

Life is made up of moments like these

Have you ever found yourself in a moment you wanted so badly to capture, with a photograph, a video or words but never could?

It is that kind of moment which lingers on you for a while and then disappears. You never forget it, how that moment felt, but you know you'll hardly ever come by it again. It is that kind of moment which your heart longs for and hangs on to. When you find it twice, you know your life is at least half full.

My sister related to me over the weekend last week about a man who was so stingy that he has eaten at the expense of everyone in the office except himself for the past decade. One may wonder if this is possible. But it is.

"So one day I gave him a packet of coffee and he started to give us something back too - for the first time in ten years."

Then I wondered what the difference is between him eating at the expense of others and him being given something. They both allowed him something free. But I think, the difference is, he asked for one and did not ask for the other.

I think that often in life we think about what we want so much that we think that others can tell what we want just by looking at us. And that makes us bitter and selfish. We begin to become angry when people don't give us what we want and, we forget that others are just like us, hungry for something.

If we take time to think about what other people want, perhaps we won't have so much time and energy to be bitter and angry about not getting what we want.

I suppose it could be true that the only thing more important than our own happiness could be, the happiness of others.